Kathy Weingand
Kathy's Program
After teaching high school at Sequoia High School for 30 years, I am now teaching German at Cabrillo College and UC Santa Cruz, for UC Scout.
East Side Gallery
The East Side Gallery Walking Tour was very informative about the history and the makeup of the Berlin Wall and death strip between East and West Berlin.
Visit to Oxford
Friday's excursion included a visit to Oxford by way of the London Tube and then a local train. Students enjoyed walking around Oxford before our walking tour. We were split... keep reading
Classes and Excursions have begun
Classes began on Tuesday and students began learning how to develop their own character. Classes were followed by a trip to the British Museum just around the corner from the... keep reading
Arrival in London
After long flights and lots of anticipation, the students and program leaders arrived at London Heathrow and were bused to the Royal National Hotel at Russell Square. After a short... keep reading
Last Week of the Course
It is the last week of the course and everyone is making preparation for the trip home. We are thinking about the wonderful time we had and all the things... keep reading
Ausflug in Leipzig
This weekend our CIEE students' adventure continued with an overnight excursion in Leipzig. We spent 2 nights at the Sleepy Lion Hostel in Leipzig arriving around 7 p.m. on Friday... keep reading