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HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders



A "warm" weekend in Hangzhou

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

大家好!(Hello Everyone) This weekend my classmates and I were extremely lucky to change the scenery a bit and visit another beautiful city called Hangzhou,China. After waking up at 4:30 am... keep reading



By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

What a weekend it was in Madrid! After a bus ride through the heartland of Spain, the group arrived to Madrid Friday evening. The trip started off with a flamenco... keep reading


Cards of Korea: various technology cards

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

These are T Money cards. Everyone in Korea has them and they are how people get around. They can be used to get around all over Korea, on the bus... keep reading


Lukas M. - Photo Essay

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Spices: This is a group of spices commonly used in traditional Korean dishes. They are all made from different things such as crushed beans. Grains: Traditional Korean Cuisine also uses... keep reading


Natalie Blank ~ Smog

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

A view out towards Seoul -> smogs makes the visibility low and the city appear grey The sun in the morning -> the smog makes it so you can just... keep reading


Public Transportation Within Korea

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

The first thing that surprised me when I first came to Seoul was the amount of people that were all packed into the city. The second thing that I noticed... keep reading


Using Idols in Advertisements

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Being in a heavily populated city, there are many advertisements in every corner of the streets. To grab attention of the people, companies use idols in advertisements to sell their... keep reading


Rice Cakes PT. 2

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

Enjoy the short video that summarizes how Seoul taught the CIEE student how to make rice Cakes. - Brenda, Nat, & Kacey. keep reading


Health and Safety in Seoul

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

There are many new and intriguing ascpects of living in a foreign country, and that certinly holds true for South Korea. Staying in Seoul, I have particularly noticed the extensive... keep reading


Day 14 Friends of Nature Part 2 自然之友

By HS Summer Abroad Program Leaders at CIEE

I wake up at 6:53 with a sore throat. I have some warm soy milk, yogurt and red tea (sacrilegiously with honey) at breakfast in an attempt to bring it... keep reading