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CIEE Staff

CIEE Rennes

Summer Intensive French Language Liberal Arts France



A Day In the Life

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

What does a typical day look like for me? Honestly, it very much depends— each weekday has its own schedule; my Monday routine is very different from my Thursday routine... keep reading


Une Fête Dans Ma Bouche

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

It’s Wednesday night and I’m headed with some friends to the bar Mille Potes for a wine and cheese tasting organized by CIREFE. We sit down at a table where... keep reading


Three things you need to try à Rennes

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

I chose this program at Rennes because everyone who came here for his/her study abroad recommended me. Living here for a month, I also became a big fan of Rennes... keep reading


A Brief Comparison of French and American Foods

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Coming to France, I had a few ideas of what the food was going to be like before I got here. The media feeds us images of a prototypical French... keep reading


My First Week Living with a Host Family

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Although it has only been about one week since I met ma famille d’accueil (my host family), I feel like a great deal has already happened, none of which is... keep reading


The French Ways of Thinking/Being/Interacting

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

As we've all heard or will soon hear, culture shock happens in many ways and in many forms. Yes it's normal to be overwhelmed by a new area, atmosphere, and... keep reading


Apprendre la musique c’est apprendre une nouvelle langue

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Quand j’y pense, la langue française devient de plus en plus complexe. Non seulement le vocabulaire, mais aussi le rythme, la grammaire, la syntaxe, l’orthographe, l’accentuation et son utilisation. Mais... keep reading


Traveling While in France

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

I have been in the CIEE 8-week program in Rennes for 6 weeks, and I can say without a doubt that the weekend trips have been my favorite part of... keep reading


Excursion à Nantes

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Nantes is one of the cities that I went to with the group for an excursion, and it was an interesting experience. We met at the metro stop Villejean near... keep reading


French Food and Wine

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

I have an interest in the French food and wine culture. My passion is not only due to my ethnic roots and heritage in France, but stems mainly from my... keep reading

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