Three things you need to try à Rennes

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Liberal Arts

Authored By:

CIEE Rennes

    I chose this program at Rennes because everyone who came here for his/her study abroad recommended me. Living here for a month, I also became a big fan of Rennes!

 Before I started thinking about my study abroad in France, I’d never heard of Rennes. It is actually a really small city; it is not too popular for travelers because there are not many touristic places here. But I still recommend you to choose this program because it is the best place to live as un(e) étudiant(e) étranger(e). People are really nice in general and the city is organized with public transportation. You can enjoy la vie française here in Rennes!

There are three things you need to try in Rennes.

  1. La galette



This is what I will definitely miss when I leave. I can eat une galette everyday! I’ve already tried several crêperies and found that each crêperie has different style. There are so many crêperies near St-Anne station and you will never get bored to try the variety of galette!


  1. La crêpe

After you eat une galette, you always have an option to eat une crêpe. At many crêperies, I found Formule Étudiante, in which we can choose une galette and une crêpe at good prices! Let’s take an advantage of being student!

  1. Le cidre

Usually I’m not a big fan of alcohol, but I found that I really like le cidre. There are variety of cidres. This cidre which has only 2% of alcohol is my favorite! Dinner with your family and cidre make your stay in Rennes perfect as if you are a part of the history of Bretagne. 

Before I arrived here, I was little nervous if I can really enjoy the life here. It turns out more than awesome! As well as the three food and drink I listed here, there are more amazing things (not only meals but mainly meals for me) in Rennes. I am so glad that I chose Rennes as my study abroad destination and excited for more unforgettable experiences to come!

Kana Aizawa

Soka University of America