rennes buildings night
CIEE Staff

CIEE Rennes

Summer Intensive French Language Liberal Arts France



A Weekend in Paris

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Bonjour!!!! I spent this past weekend traversing through Paris with one of my very best friends, who lives in Barcelona who I have not seen in over a year, and... keep reading


Experiencing the Rennes Nightlife as an American University Student

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

“Hitting the town”: A term sometimes used by American students in the U.S., consists of going out with friends, to a hip downtown area where there are countless restaurants, pubs... keep reading


Current Events in France

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

23 June, 2017 The French have recently held a presidential election between Front National (FN) candidate Marine Le Pen, and La République En Marche! (LREM) candidate and now president Emmanuel... keep reading


Languages: English is everywhere.

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Rennes is a city of students and it shows with everyone you meet. I have met a lot of people in passing in this city, whom I know I will... keep reading


So You Wanna Study Abroad?

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Honesty time: when I boarded my plane to Charles de Gaulle the day after New Year’s, I cried. I had just finished a wonderful semester at my college in the... keep reading


A Day In the Life

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Since I was an elementary student in a French immersion school, I have wanted to study in France. Living in Rennes has given me this opportunity; a chance to become... keep reading


My Experience as a Teaching Assistant

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Like many students in CIEE, this semester I am taking the Teaching Pedagogy class. In this course we plan lessons, discuss classroom strategies and techniques, and learn how to become... keep reading


The Two Facets of Experience: My Reflections on How to Evaluate a Trip to Brussels

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

I’m not an incredible fan of reading personal anecdotes. This isn’t to say that I don’t have an interest in other people’s experiences or stories, but I find that people... keep reading


Le stage d’apprentissage

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Lycéenne, j’ai découvert ma passion d’enseigner. Étant actuellement étudiante en éducation en anglais comme langue étrangère (ALE), j’ai naturellement choisi de suivre le cours de pédagogie (et le stage qui... keep reading


Defying Trump’s Politics in France

By CIEE Rennes at CIEE

Sitting in one of the many cafes surrounding Place des Lices in the heart of historic Rennes with two of my fellow American friends, the typical grey skies of Bretagne... keep reading

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