toulouse downtown city center arc and building
CIEE Staff

Caroline Hocutt

French Language & Culture Toulouse, France



Exploring Toulouse through Street Art

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

Our brave students in Toulouse recently embarked on an unforgettable journey of artistic discovery. Tasked with a street art scavenger hunt, our students roamed the vibrant streets of the city... keep reading


On y va: A weekend to Remember!

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

What a weekend, and what a journey! Over the weekend, our Global Navigators set off on the excursion of a lifetime, to relax and enjoy and learn together what else... keep reading


Le Musée: On l’adore!

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

As the sounds, sights, and smells of summer explode around us in Rennes, so too does the joy of the students as we launch ourselves into this weeks themes of... keep reading


The Metro Adventure: Guest Post by Ellie Z

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

One of the most noticeable differences between Rennes and the United States has been the quality of the public transportation system. Because there are so few cars in Old City... keep reading


Art, in all of its Forms

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

The second week of our program is all about art and creativity- and in Rennes, we focus on all of its forms. We are proud to teach our students about... keep reading


Au Marché, Au Marché...

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

Tu peux, tu peux tout trouver! There is no experience equal to that of the French open air market, and in Rennes our students had the opportunity to see for... keep reading


Degemar Mat!

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

Degemar mat! Bienvenue! Welcome! Whether you say it in breton, french, or english, the sentiment is the same. And, after such a long journey to get here, the students feel... keep reading


Settling In!

By Caroline Hocutt at CIEE

Well, the multiple day journey was worth it- we are in Rennes and settling in just fine! Students are starting to adjust to the new schedule (and the jet lag!)... keep reading

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