Annie L.
Annie is an avid traveller and lover of the outdoors. When she's not writing, you can catch her scrambling up trails in the backcountry of a national park, swimming in icy Patagonia lakes, and bouldering at the climbing gym or near home in mountain rich Truckee, CA. Follow her on Twitter or Medium @antoniamlujan keep up with her adventures and to read more stories.
Best Things to do in Madrid Spring
Madrid has a hold on people. This statement was mentioned to me about a month before moving to Spain, from a friend, and former Aux (something unbeknown to me at... keep reading
What Teaching Abroad Is REALLY Like…
In many ways, the first day back at school after a holiday break feels familiar. The glitz and glam of the holiday season has worn off, the winter season continues... keep reading
Hot Takes: Living in Madrid, Spain
Vibrant and busy describe the Spanish city of Madrid. Month and a half lived in Spain, feels fitting time to share my official hot takes on city life. Buckle up... keep reading
No Time For Goodbye, Only See You Later
Thoughts on leaving a seasonal job, and what's it is like starting fresh again.