Your Last Day
As your internship or training program comes to an end, it is important to remember the following:
Before leaving your host organization
- If applicable, request your final paycheck or agree on payment arrangements with your host organization.
- Make sure your host organization has your contact information, so it can mail you your W-2 form (for tax purposes).
- Make note of your host organization’s contact information – you may need it later.
- Ask your supervisor to write a letter of recommendation for you; this will be useful when applying for jobs in the future.
Please note: If you leave your host organization before the last day scheduled on your DS-2019, you must contact CIEE.
Before leaving the country
- If you have not received your Social Security number one month before your DS-2019 end date, check the status of your application with the nearest Social Security office.
- Check with your landlord regarding requirements for vacating your apartment.
- Close your bank account, or make arrangements with your bank to keep it open.
After returning home:
- Complete the CIEE Program Evaluation.
- File your tax return.