High School USA Blog
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My Last Three Months
Three Months in Germany: It’s hard to believe I’ve already been in Germany for three months. Time has flown by so quickly — sometimes it feels like I’ve been in... keep reading
West Texas to Germany: Final Preparations
I'm sitting in the airport in Portland, Maine, having just finished my last few college tours. Getting ready to send in all my applications before I leave. While I am... keep reading
Preparing for Departure
Guten Tag! I'm Briana, and I'm beyond excited to share that in just under 50 days, I'll be touching down in Germany for an unforgettable year abroad. It's surreal to... keep reading
Komm mit mir auf große Fahrt!
Can one really pack a year’s worth of clothes in a single suitcase? I still can not fully believe that I am even considering this. Just the thought of this... keep reading
Before the Flight: Preparing for My Exchange Year
In my first blog post, I discuss my thoughts about leaving home for a whole year, what I am looking forward to, and what I have been doing to prepare.
Prom and Jazz Trip to Reno
The Prom Dance at your high school was on the first Saturday in April and was an unforgettable event full of glitz and glamor. The hall was magnificently decorated with... keep reading
Spring in Germany
I still distinctly remember the day I sat down to spend hours reading all of the CIEE blogs from last year’s participants. It was so exciting to imagine spending a... keep reading
March in the USA - my experiences
During my spring break, I was lucky enough to take an unforgettable trip to San Francisco with my host family. The city on the Pacific captivated us right from the... keep reading
Love Letter to Leipzig
Of all the places in Germany I’ve visited, I’ve never felt so immediately drawn to a city. As silly as it sounds, I’m certain it was love at first sight. The second my train pulled up to the platform and I stepped out, I just knew. It’s like finding someone you’ve longed for your whole life, where everything is somehow familiar and falls into place. As if Leipzig was made for you and no one else.
A Little Trip to Bonn
Bonn will always have a special place in my heart. Known for its famous Beethoven-Haus and history as the old capital of West Germany, there is so much to see and do. You can spend hours just wandering aimlessly through the cobblestone streets, no destination in mind.
The Nürnberger Christmas Market
Christmas markets are exactly like snow globes. Don’t believe me? Grab your nearest snow globe and look inside. For the most part, you’ll see a perfect Christmas scene: friendly snow... keep reading
Hide and Seek (AirTag Edition)
Last month, fifty Americans from Experiment traveled to the charming town of Oberwesel for our midyear seminar. Amidst the chaos of fifty American teenagers in one youth hostel, we played a short game of hide-and-seek.
Midyear Reflection
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the amount of time it took me to get back to writing. As many other bloggers have previously mentioned, the exhaustion of... keep reading
Weihnachtsmärkte: Münster
During the Christmas season in Germany, it is a tradition for Christmas markets all around Germany to open for one month. I was able to explore the Christmas market in Münster and try a few traditional German foods!
Back to School
This was how my first day of school in Germany as a 10th grader unfolded. It sure was an eventful day and exhausting at moments, but I genuinely found myself having a good time. Jump in with me and I'll explain what made it so memorable.