Komm mit mir auf große Fahrt!
Can one really pack a year’s worth of clothes in a single suitcase?
I still can not fully believe that I am even considering this. Just the thought of this question excites me. I have always loved traveling- from when I was little begging my parents for “just one more day” at the beach, to teenage me helping my mom plan our yearly family vacation. Traveling has always been something I desired. I have always wanted to explore and experience other cultures, and now, with CBYX, I have the ability to do so.
This whole adventure started four years ago when ninth grade me decided to take German. Maybe I decided on German because I love history, or because I found learning it exciting (unlike Latin…). The ninth-grade me would never have guessed I would have passed German 1, much less be here. I have always been a good student, but lets just say the seventeen ways to say the word “not” had me second-guessing myself (for those who never took German, google “Not conjugation table German”. Or just trust me- it’s scary). Although I was always worried about my German language abilities, German became my favorite class every year in high school. I would not be here without having taken German. Taking German first led me to the Halle Foundation Scholarship- a three-week-long scholarship that I was lucky enough to receive in my junior year. This was one of my greatest motivators to apply for CBYX. When I left Germany after those three weeks, I swore to myself that I would be back- and soon. It was really the enjoyment and excitement of immersing myself in German culture that I experienced on this adventure that led me to apply to CBYX.
I remember vividly the day I learned about CBYX. I was sitting in my German classroom towards the end of a typical September school day. It was in my AP German class where my German teacher passed out pamphlets for the CBYX program. I took one look at it and knew I had to try for this opportunity. I spent the next few weeks working on my application, and I submitted it sometime in early October. Following submitting my application, that was it for a while. I planned ahead with getting ready for college the following year and honestly thought little about it. It wasn’t until mid-December that I heard any news from the program. I was napping on the couch (typical of me) when my dad called from work saying he got an email about me making the interview round. It takes a lot to wake me up from a nap (just ask my mom), but hearing this did. My mind did a full 180- I went from thinking little about CBYX to practicing CBYX interview questions every day after school. The interview was going to be in a hotel in my home city, and I was determined to be ready. Going to the interview just made me more excited than ever about CBYX. I made some great friends and had a wonderful time. I remember thinking to myself when I left the hotel that even if this is as far as I get with CBYX, then all the work I put in was worth it. After the interview, you have to wait a gruelingly long month until you hear the news on whether you got in or not. I was napping (again) when I got the call. When I woke up, I saw some of my friends from the interview texted me and got in, so I checked my messages. There was a message saying to call them back regarding CBYX. The rest is history…
Now, beyond my wildest dreams, I am here writing this. At this time, I do not know who my host family will be. I had a host family assigned for two month, yet due to unforeseen circumstances, they were forced to back out. I am already getting practice at being flexible :). Sitting here, I am so glad I decided to try; to try German, to try CBYX, and I am so glad I decided to dream. For those looking to apply, I am sure your story is different from mine, but the only thing I have to say is go for it. Having this opportunity is a dream come true, and I can not wait to embark upon this great journey. Los Geht’s!
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