High School USA Blog
War zone? No, it’s just New Year’s Eve in Deutschland
New Year’s Eve in Germany is legendary. All throughout the fall, my friends at school would tell tall tales about New Years celebrations from the past, about the crates of... keep reading
Meine Familie - Mi Familia - My Family
I haven’t written a detailed blog about my host family yet, but the short answer is, they’re awesome and have been unbelievably welcoming. Even though our village is pretty remote... keep reading
A Short Guide to German Jugendsprache/Slang
Jugendsprache (youth language) in Germany is the slang and expressions mostly used by younger Germans. Jugendsprache is ever evolving as it is mainly influenced by social media, much like the... keep reading
It’s the most wonderful time of the year!
One of the experiences I was most excited for during my year in Germany was exploring German Holiday markets. I was lucky enough to get to explore three separate markets-... keep reading
Fire Away!
Every Friday night I trudge through my small town to the same place. After a long day of school I ride home on the city bus. After relaxing and eating... keep reading
A German Thanksgiving
The silverware was set, the candles were lit, and the turkey, sitting plump in the middle of the makeshift banquet table, was gazed upon by all. What sounds like a... keep reading
Gingerbread Sleepover with Oma & Opa
Just this past weekend, my host grandparents, who we call Oma and Opa, hosted an all-weekend cousins event. I was invited, of course, now that I’m part of the family... keep reading
Wir gingen durch harte Zeiten :)
The day started off like any other. I went to school, tried to figure out what my bio teacher was saying, and walked to the bus stop after classes. Today... keep reading
When I began thinking about this adventure, I wondered how meeting people would be. I wasn’t sure if people would want to talk to me or get to know me... keep reading
The struggles of German, Public Transportation, and German Public Transportation in Particular
German is undeniably a hard language to learn. Just when you think you’ve unlocked a new level of understanding, a split verb or the genitive case is there to humble... keep reading
My Last Three Months
Three Months in Germany: It’s hard to believe I’ve already been in Germany for three months. Time has flown by so quickly — sometimes it feels like I’ve been in... keep reading
Two Octoberfest Experiences
This past month, I've been lucky enough to join the crowds at two different Oktoberfests -- first, the opening day of the massive, world-famous Oktoberfest in Munich on September 21... keep reading
Leinen Los!
I always wondered what it’s like for the new students that just show up to a school one day and join in. Yesterday, I was able to learn first hand... keep reading
First Time Voter Feeling Patriotic
I voted for the first time today. Casting your vote from overseas is a somewhat complicated process and full of potential ways to screw it up, but today I mailed... keep reading
Staying Active While Abroad
I am now two months into my ten-month exchange here in Germany, and I am still figuring out ways to keep my body moving and maintain the fitness I built... keep reading