My Relationship with my Local-Coordinator and my Host-Family.

Authored By:

Mohamed-Amin Z.

Hi folks!

I am going to talk about my relationship with my local-coordinator and with my host family. 

My local-local-coordinators name is Jennie. She is an awesome person who loves everyone. She treats all her exchange students like her own kids. We are supposed to meet at least once in two months, but Jennie is coordinating an activity every month, and those are usually a lot of fun. I can talk to her about everything, and she is always there for me. To top everything I already said: Jennie planned a trip with almost all her exchange students to Disneyland in California. I am very happy to have her as my local-coordinator. Thank you, Jennie!

I live with my host mother Karin, and my host brothers August and Leo. My host family is basically my second family. We went through a lot of stuff which brought us closer. We recently had to say „goodbye“ to our loved dog summer (2005-2019). We always have fun, and enjoy our time together. I wouldn’t have been able to spend my year abroad in Seattle without my host family. I am really happy, and I appreciate to live with those amazing, interesting and generous people, and I am looking forward to spending my next five months here. Thank you, Karin!

Everything else is going great! I just finished the first semester of school and the wrestling season just ended too. I am doing a lot with friends, and I am happy.

Thanks for reading my blog post! I hope it was interesting and informative for you.
