High School USA Blog
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Midyear Reflection
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the amount of time it took me to get back to writing. As many other bloggers have previously mentioned, the exhaustion of... keep reading
A Little Trip to Aachen
Last weekend, I spent a rainy day exploring the city of Aachen. It was a dreamlike experience, and it reminded me that no matter how hard it rains, I will always adore exploring, traveling, and learning. A few raindrops are hardly enough to stop me from doing so.
Herbst Ferien Part II
This past week has been focused less on travel and more on becoming part of my community here in Germany. On Tuesday I joined a local soccer team at the... keep reading
The Feelings of Saying Goodbye to a New Hello
As I will soon be switching host families, I felt it would be important to share how I feel about leaving my original Host community. Although I have had very... keep reading
My Local Coordinator
My first contact with my local coordinator was through email in May last year. She helped me even back then. We got to know each other a little bit and... keep reading
Local Coordinator!
Hey everyone! In today's post I would like to tell you more about my local coordinator! If you don't know what a local coordinator is, he or she will have... keep reading
A Very Merry Christmas!
Four more school days before Winter Break and I couldn't be more excited! My Winter Break starts on December, 23rd and I am looking forward to spend Christmas in the... keep reading
My American Firsts!
Hi everyone! Two months ago I left Brazil to come to the U.S. - that is crazy! At the same time that it seems like I am here for just... keep reading
Fall Ferien
This fall Ferien school vacation was absolutely incredible. I have never had two full weeks of vacation from school, and it was an amazing way to further imerse myself in... keep reading
Time to Say Goodbye
Hi folks! Welcome to the last post from me while being in the United States of America. I can not believe it. My year abroad has come to an end... keep reading
Springtime - Funtime !
Hi folks! A lot has happened since my last post. This blog post will be about my springtime here. I am doing track in the spring season. I run long... keep reading
My Relationship with my Local-Coordinator and my Host-Family.
Hi folks! I am going to talk about my relationship with my local-coordinator and with my host family. My local-local-coordinators name is Jennie. She is an awesome person who loves... keep reading
Its not cold at Hockey Games, really.
For this post I wanted to talk about a great experience that I had about three weeks ago now. My local coordinator took all the students she is in charge... keep reading
My Concussion and Experience with the Medical System in the US.
Hi folks! Very much happened since my last blog post. I will talk today about my concussion which I got during wrestling practice. It happened on November the 20th. I... keep reading
The first thing we did when i arrived here was go to a "pizzeria", i'll remeber it forever because in that moment i really realized i wasn't in Italy anymore... keep reading