High School USA Blog
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My Last Three Months
Three Months in Germany: It’s hard to believe I’ve already been in Germany for three months. Time has flown by so quickly — sometimes it feels like I’ve been in... keep reading
Czeched Out (Exchange to Prague)
It has now been ten months since I and so many others stepped on the plane headed to Germany. As the days pass by in the blink of an eye, I can only think of one German phrase that seems to capture the feeling of it all: Jetzt geht's richtig los.
Spring in Germany
I still distinctly remember the day I sat down to spend hours reading all of the CIEE blogs from last year’s participants. It was so exciting to imagine spending a... keep reading
March in the USA - my experiences
During my spring break, I was lucky enough to take an unforgettable trip to San Francisco with my host family. The city on the Pacific captivated us right from the... keep reading
A host family and much more
I knew who my host family was on March 23, 2023, how could I forget? Marsha, Wayne and a little cat Rhonda! I was so excited to start getting to... keep reading
Midyear Reflection
First of all, I’d like to apologize for the amount of time it took me to get back to writing. As many other bloggers have previously mentioned, the exhaustion of... keep reading
Thanksgiving and Christmas in the USA
Thanksgiving began for me even before the actual Thanksgivingbreak, when we talked about it at school and discussed what we were thankful for. My curiosity grew when I found out... keep reading
School & Thanksgiving
School is definitely something different in the US. Here are some tips that helped me immensely in my school life and ofc I also have to talk about Thanksgiving
Herbst Ferien Part II
This past week has been focused less on travel and more on becoming part of my community here in Germany. On Tuesday I joined a local soccer team at the... keep reading
Herbst Ferien Part I
My two-week fall break is coming quickly to an end, and I must say that I’m sad to see it go. Crazy enough, I spent the first week of my... keep reading
First time at the lake!
I will always remember the weekend I spent with my host family at the lake. I had a time like never before. My host family is big. By this, I... keep reading
From Germany to the United States, my first Months in the USA
On August 1st, the time had finally come - my adventure began. A group flight took me and my fellow travelers from Frankfurt to Washington, D.C. We spent the first... keep reading
From Germany to USA- What was the first impression of life and High School like
Life in the States is quite different but also similar to Germany. So let’s see…
Settling in
It’s nearing the end of September. The air is finally starting to become colder and crisper. And it’s nearing the two-month mark of being in Germany. Settling in has been... keep reading
Maiwoche is an event in May for a week. The event took place in Osnabrück, which held multiple concerts each day, along with carnival rides and food. The concerts every... keep reading