Teach English Abroad Blog
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CIEE China Spotlight: Meet Cristina!
Why did you choose this program? I studied abroad through CIEE’s Accelerated Chinese Language Program as a Junior in university and had a great experience, so I had trust in... keep reading
TWICE with CIEE: Kayleigh in Spain (PART 2)
Kayleigh is a CIEE alum who participated in CIEE's Teach in South Korea program AND CIEE’s Teach in Spain Volunteer program! CLICK HERE to read her experience in Korea. WHY... keep reading
TWICE with CIEE: Kayleigh in Korea (PART 1)
Kayleigh is a CIEE alum who participated in CIEE's Teach in South Korea program AND CIEE’s Teach in Spain Volunteer program! CLICK HERE to read her experience in Spain. WHY... keep reading
Learn Korean with K-Media: Advice from Valerie!
Hello! My name is Valerie, and I will be teaching in South Korea through the EPIK program starting this spring. With my interests being in Korean cultural studies, teaching in... keep reading
Making Friends While Teaching in South Korea
Living abroad can seem a bit daunting and even scary. It's a new environment, a new language, and a whole new culture. One of the most significant challenges new teachers... keep reading
CIEE Korea Spotlight: Read Karime's Experience at EPIK's Orientation!
Karime recently arrived in Korea to begin her year of teaching abroad! She attended EPIK’s Orientation recently and wrote about her experience. Read her interview below: How was orientation? Walk... keep reading
How Teaching Abroad Shaped Me
Hello everyone! My name is Ria, and if you have been keeping up with the blog posts on the CIEE site, then you might have been reading a bit about... keep reading
CIEE Orientation in China: Read Kari's Interview!
Kari recently arrived in China to begin her year of teaching abroad! She attended the Teacher Training and Orientation included in CIEE’s Teach in China programs. Read about Kari’s experience... keep reading
CIEE Korea Spotlight: Meet Marissa - PART 2
Marissa is back to answer even more questions about teaching in Korea. Why did you choose CIEE? I chose CIEE because I heard that CIEE has a good reputation, a... keep reading
CIEE Korea Spotlight: Meet Marissa - PART 1
What made you want to teach abroad? I had previously spent time in South Korea as a student during my semester of studying abroad. I really loved the culture, language... keep reading
CIEE Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Arielle!
What made you want to do this experience? A friend told me about this program, and I knew I had to apply! After graduating college, I was looking for an... keep reading
TWICE with CIEE: Aric in Korea
Aric is a CIEE alum who first participated in CIEE's Teach in Thailand program, then came back to teach in CIEE’s Teach in South Korea program. Read Aric’s experience in... keep reading
Happy Valentine’s Day from CIEE!
We asked some Teach Abroad alumni how they met their partner abroad. The answers did not disappoint! Haven’t found LOVE abroad? That’s fine, most of CIEE teachers abroad said they... keep reading
& so the adventure... continues?
Honey, I'm home! Well, I guess home is a relative word. When you've spread pieces of your heart in so many different places around the world, it's hard to determine... keep reading