Break Free from Your Comfort Zone & Fears
Imagine this you move to another country with just one suitcase, backpack and a small carry on. The irony that despite studying abroad just a year and a half ago I had no fears or worries about moving abroad for six months. But this time around I was moving to Madrid for a full year (and now I’m hoping to live here for a couple more) but mind you I didn’t have an apartment yet. I was going to start all over again. Searching for a new apartment, adjusting to life without my own personal transportation. Regardless of these external factors I was ready for this new challenge. Mostly because in my heart I knew that I had a deep yearning to Teach Abroad and live in Spain. This passion and desire was much stronger then my fear of the unknown. In order to grow we must learn how to break past our fears and take advantage of getting out of our comfort zones.
Despite only living here for a total of three months I feel as though I have grown so much more as an individual.
It’s ironic to reflect on the fact that I hadn’t worked for a month and half when I first moved here. It was uncomfortable to live off the money I had been saving over the years. The first two weeks I made the mistake of living life as a tourist where I constantly ate out at all the trendy restaurants in Malasaña.
Before I knew it October 1st came around, and I was on my way back into the workforce. Where my true love and passion for going to work was ignited. My students make all the difference. Walking into my classroom I'm bombarded by my first graders with hugs and smiles. The grades I assist are 1st, 3rd, 4th and 6th grade. I am surrounded by future artists, writers, teachers, professional athletes and students who want to make a positive difference in the world. It was incredible to discover that a group of sixth grade girls I taught have their own animal shelter in their backyard (cat’s that they rescue from their neighborhood.)
Breaking out of my comfort zone has been one of the best decisions I’ve made. Because in the end Madrid, Spain has become my new home.
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