On y va! : Au Cinéma ABC

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French Language & Culture

Now, I know what you're all thinking. It's 9am in the morning, why don't we go see a movie!? Well, that's what Toulousers did, as they embarked from the Institut Catholique to the Cinéma ABC, in the very early hours of the morning! Cinéma ABC has existed for over 50 years in Toulouse and is an interesting place of sorts, as we don't really have anything like it in the United States. It is a cinéma associative, meaning that it is made up of a director, a small council, and volunteers. While many cinemas like this one are funded by the government, this one is special, as it relies on the public to keep its doors open. The Cinéma ABC was originally more like a cinema-theater, made up of one grand room that sat over 1000 people. However, because of the crisis in the 1970's, most of France's cinemas decided to create much smaller viewing rooms in cinemas. That way, the cinema could show more films, giving the public a greater variety to choose from film-wise. Cinéma ABC was no stranger to this notion, changing its one very large room to three rooms- making independent films much more accessible to the public. Interestingly enough, Cinéma ABC has three letters- A, B, and C- all corresponding to the different screens they offer now. Their largest room seats close to 200 people. 

This cinema d'art et essai showed us a magnificent film that sparked  a lot of discussion after our viewing. We were in the cinéma for nearly an hour afterwards just chatting about what we thought the film meant, what its morale was, and analyzing characters. We were fortunate enough to see Les Comnbattants, a film about a young girl who wants to join the French army. A coming of age story, Toulousers enjoyed the humor of the film, as well as appreciated it's more serious aspects as well. Check out the trailer below if you're interested in watching!

While it did confuse some of the Toulouser's (there was A LOT going on), overall it was well received and many students spoke about this film in their weekly project. 

Stay tuned for more!