When in Rennes...

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Greetings and happy Bastille Day from Rennes! We had a jam-packed couple of days preparing for our three day weekend! 


On Wednesday, it drizzled a bit but we didn't let that slow us down. We caught some great live music in the Place de la Marie while we were waiting for our Into the Community activity to begin.

There is nothing quite like dancing in the rain!

After the impromptu concert, students set off to ask locals where they could go to send a postcard home, get a great cup of coffee or replace their metro card if it was lost. They took a few minutes to strategize with their partners...




...they were off! One group even asked the musicians that we had been listening to for directions.

After getting suggestions, students recorded their information on their maps, and most stopped for a crepe or a galette before returning to show us what they had found.

On Thursday, students presented their first projects in class since they have tomorrow off for la fête nationale. We were very impressed with their presentations!



Many students are travelling this weekend with their host families. Stay tuned for some guest bloggers to make an appearance next week!