What's Mangoing On?!
After this morning's orientation, we dived into a sweet Dominican treat! Biting into a delicious juicy mango from the trees of Dominica, followed up with conversations about what has this experience been like over the past 36 hours of being here. Some students chatted about how the strings of the mango was getting stuck between their teeth. Others chatted about their homestay experience last night. Even more were diving deeper into their interest and getting to know one another and establishing connections and relationships.
When you think of an abroad program, you think about the immersion into the culture. However, being able to immerse yourself into another culture is great when you have people you can connect to and experience it with. Here in Santiago, there is a great focus on establishing relationships and connections with other participants within the program. Since, arriving session two has been full of cultivating relationships. Everyone has gained a buddy which seems to be turning into long lasting friendships. Which seemed to have started with a game of UNO on the airport floor while awaiting everyone's arrival to take the flight from Miami to Santiago. Within two days, they have found people they connect with and enjoy communicating with. This time there were mangos involved that lead to sticky fingers, happy stomachs, and happy students.
I wonder what else today will include...
If you enjoyed What's Mangoing On, keep looking out for our next post
. 😉
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