We're on the move again!

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Aquatic Ecosystems & Sustainability

We're on the move again!

Today we began with a fascinating tour of Portuguese river species, discussing the delicate balance of each ecosystem and efforts made to maintain their health. We even recognized several American river fishes which were introduced to local waters in an effort to control mosquito populations, and spiraled out of control from there. It begs the questions - how much should humans interfere with the natural cycle of their environment?

Our guide discussed the roles and benefits of these muddy fishes, and shared her passion for their conservation and health.

Students loved the Amazonian critters we witnessed at the end of the tour. You can see our own Ivanna getting up close and real with a South American boa constrictor! 

This afternoon students enjoyed a well-deserved dip in a nearby river, heated games of Marco Polo, and a chance to explore one of the oldest cities in Portugal - Évora. Nothing like ending your day with great friends, a beautiful sunset and a breathtaking view.

Until tomorrow -Tchau!