Welkommen til København

Programs for this blog post

Taking Climate Action

Authored By:

Julianne O'Connell

Welkommen til København!

Welcome to Copenhagen!

Photo for blog post Welkommen til København

After a few long travel days, all 21 of our students have arrived safely in Copenhagen. We were greeted by the Copenhagen CIEE Center Director Karin and did a small orientation at the CIEE Study Center in the heart of downtown Copenhagen. There, we met Rebecca, Magnus and Sebastian (program coordinator and student assistents) and got to know everyone in the group a bit better. After dinner together we took the Metro to Basecamp, our awesome home away from home for the next three weeks. There are so many neat amenitites here and I know the students are looking forward to hanging out together in the evening after our excursions. 

Please leave a comment if there is anything specific you would like me to cover in this space. I look forward to updating you all over the next three weeks and hopefully featuring some student bloggers so you can get a sense of the experience from their perspective!