Trash Talk: Copenhagen's Waste Management Systems

Programs for this blog post

Taking Climate Action

Authored By:

Augustina Munter

Glass, plastic, paper, oh my! This week our Global Navigators learned about waste management in Copenhagen, and had the opportunity to visit a recycling center in Charlotte Ammundsen Plads 3, and CopenHill, a waste-to-energy plant in the city. 

The Danes sort their trash into at least six different categories to best process the waste for disposal, and in class, students spent time exploring the area around school collecting different items of trash to sort themselves. We learned about the benefits of recycling from a neighborhood coordinator, and the services the center offers including sewing workshops and a clothing swap area. 

We then traveled to Copenhill and observed the multi-use space that converts waste to energy and is used for recreation, there is a ski slope AND a rock climbing wall at the facility! From the top of Copenhill we could see the wind turbines that also supply power to Copenhagen and HOFOR Utility which supplies Copenhagen with drinking water and district heating and cooling. 

From our lessons and group projects, students gained knowledge in waste management in Copenhagen, and were able to reflect on how they see waste in their own lives and the impact that waste has globally. 

We are excited to continue our learning with heading to the renewable island of Samsø this Sunday!