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Taking Climate Action

This week we went to the island Samsø and one of our students wrote a blog about her experience, enjoy the journey though her eyes!

As our eyes opened bright and early on Sunday morning, we packed our bags and headed for the train to the island of Samsø. This small unassuming town surprisingly holds great significance in Denmark, not only for its beautiful beaches and weather, but for a more green and sustainable reason, renewable energy. Samsø is a one hundred percent self-sufficient renewable energy island that boasts 3,000 residents with 16% working in agriculture. My class headed to the island to take a look at their energy academy, and learn about how Samsø’s renewable tactics allow them to be completely self-sustainable.


Day 1: We spent our first full day on the island visiting Samsø’s Energy Academy. The Academy is a project based organization with a concentration on climate change and sustainability. My class and I not only toured their smarthouse and met experts at the Academy, but we got an exclusive look into the residents district heating plant, as well as looked into how the Harbour works to emphasize electric boats. After our tour, we walked around the small town of Ballen on the island, and celebrated Sankt Hans later into the night with a big bonfire. 

Sunset view from the hotel!
Talk at the Energy Academy in the afternoon.
Sankt Hans with my girls!

Day:2 Starting off Day Two, the group gathered together to travel to a sustainable farm on Samsø, Yduns Have. Yduns Have emphasizes organic farming with a diverse output of produce. The group got to pick strawberries free of pesticides, see chickens and learn about the meat industry, and shop local vegetables and honey at the small market attached to the farm. We then headed out to lunch and the beach to see a lovely view! 

Strawberry picking at the farm!
Our strawberries we picked!

My weekend in Samsø was a perfect reminder that beautiful things can seem unassuming at first. The classes we took taught us about sustainable practices, ways we can implement renewable energy in our own backyards, and how to appreciate nature and give back to the environment. I felt like I connected deeper with my peers, nature, and a greater understanding on the importance of innovation! I cannot wait for more memories with CIEE! This is only the beginning! 


Ella Dorsch