Welcome to Berlin!!!

Programs for this blog post

German Language & Culture

Guten Morgen, Sonnenschein!

The second session of Berlin Language and Culture is in full swing and the time is already going by very quickly.  Forty-five excited students and five energetic program leaders have taken Berlin by storm by successfully navigating the awesome public transport, settling into new homes, and mastering the basic essentials of the language.  Life is GOOD.     The excursions this past week were geared toward providing an overview of the city - and overview is the perfect word!  We climbed up, up, up all the tiny stairs of the Siegesäule (Victory Column) way out west to see the tops of the trees in the Tiergarten park and beyond.  We also then went east and went up, up, up in the Fernsehturn (Television Tower), the highest point of Berlin to get a grand view of the whole city.  Finally we joined forces and got out of escape rooms just in the nick of time!  All in all, an excellent first week.       Going home!