I can’t believe that week three has finally ended and in a week all of us will be departing home or to our next destination. In these past three weeks, we’ve done a lot together, but my favorite by far would have to be going to Disneyland.

Although this was an optional excursion, I’m so glad I went. Disneyland is known to be “The Happiest Place on Earth”, and that’s just what it was. It was so much fun to experience Disney in a whole new language and see how different Disney is compared to back in the states.  Although we had to wait in hour long wait times in 103 degree F weather, that didn’t stop us from having fun and getting to know each other better.

Shanghai Disney is not your average Disney in America; they have different rides, different food, and definitely a different spirit. One of their well-known rides, Tron would have to have been my favorite.  Its super high speed and it’s just such a good ride. It takes you from like 0 to 70 in seconds and it’s just such a good ride that words can’t even describe. Although I won’t be returning to Shanghai Disney for a while, I’m so glad I got to experience it with such amazing funny people.

-Benjamin L.

'Global Navigator Voices' is a collection of blog articles and pictures by our very own high school study abroad participants. Follow their adventures before, during, and after their experiences abroad!