Week 1, narrated by Global Navigators

Programs for this blog post

Honors Spanish Language & Culture

This week I, Becky, asked my students to take over the blog, so that you could hear about their experiences directly from them. Here from Aracely and Lesly:

Hello! Our names are Aracely and Lesly. We are two exchange students from the United States, specifically Chicago, Illinois. We are here in Spain to learn about Spanish culture and experience it firsthand. We have already been here for a week, and although at first it was scary being alone in a new country without our parents, we have captured and learned a lot in such a short time. Finding ourselves in a new environment has taught us responsibility and what it takes to be truly independent. 

These last few days have been an unforgettable experience. We have learned about the origin of Madrid and its beginnings while also comparing Spanish culture to that of the United States. Some cultural differences we have noticed include having dinner much later than what we're used to back home, around 10 p.m.; and saying hello and goodbye to the people in our CIEE community as a sign of manners and etiquette. 

This experience has also allowed us to meet new people, try new food, and explore new places. Although we are far from home, discovering and gaining knowledge around the world at this age has been truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There is so much more to do and discover, and it feels like time is flying by. We are looking forward to the next three weeks and what is yet to come, and we can't wait to explore this beautiful city even more!