The Magic of Valladolid

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture

Authored By:

Amanda Anderson

On Friday, students traveled to the town of Valladolid, which will serve as their home base for the next two days of exploration. Upon arrival, students encountered large groups of tourists along with many tour buses.  

Tour Bus with police

After a couple of trips around the town plaza to see the cathedral and locate a parking spot, we were assisted by a police officer who helped us to quickly unload. 

Students checked into a lovely hotel and some time to explore before dinner. Some students enjoyed the pool, others napped, and others read in hammocks. Before dinner, students met in the town plaza and enjoyed the sunset and cooler temperatures. 

Students meet in the park before dinner

Dinner was served at CONATO, and students had the choice of burgers, pasta, or tacos, plus drinks and a dessert. While everything was delicious, the highlight of the meal was when a local cat made itself comfortable on a student's lap for dinner. 

Students eat dinner at CONATO

After dinner, everyone enjoyed their free time shopping or visiting friends in the town plaza or at the hotel.  Curfew checks were at 10pm, with everyone eagerly settling down to rest up for the next day's adventure to Chichén Itzá.