Uxmal, A Mayan Kingdom!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Mexican Culture

Authored By:

John Boyle

Uxmal, A Mayan Kingdom

"Guys, Come on!"

Maestro Josue entoned the powerful emotions of ancient Xiues, pre classical  to classical era of 600-1000 bc,“Guys, COME ON!” Echoes of the exuberant 20,000 Mayan Xiues who once reigned over these majestic pyramids, palatial instalaciones, reverberate throughout the famous Pok Ta Pok grounds. 

The strength of character of the formidable and brutal Mayan King K’inich Janaaab’ Pakal awakens, as of yet discovered, life vistas deep in the hearts of students under Maestro Josue’s sparkling, yet fiercely strong eyes, Wicho'ob in Mayan. 

The sweat of the king’s craftsmen seems to drip from Chaak, the God of Rain, as the once lost codices, elaborate stone carvings, and compelling hand hewn limestone blocks are observed, photographed, caressed, trod upon, and entered. 

How did these Mayans, under King K’inich, with lyrically enchanting names (Ixchel, Kuklakan, Itzel, Balam, Ixtab, K’awiil, and Zipacna) dominate this rain forest upon the Yucatan peninsula girded with limestone and prowled by jaguars? 

These archeological marvels, still standing against hurricanes and all of the elements more than 3,000 years later, represent a perimeter of Mayan dominance which included a swath of central Mexico from current day Acapulco through the mountainous regions of Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize.

40 teenage students, 3 Program Leaders, 2 CIEE Coordinators, 3 courageous chauffeurs, fortified with 3 ice chests of water bottles, 10 umbrellas, 3 bulging sacks of snacks embark upon a...

Roadtrip to the City of Gold

Voyagers, aged 15 to 61, from Maine, Oregon, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, North Carolina, New Jersey, Cincinnati, San Antonio, California, Mexico, Nicaragua, Irving, Tabasco, Mexico City, Merida, and San Diego boldly representing the Rainbow of Humanity (compleat with vegetarians, vegans and pescatarians), traversed the Yucatan peninsula.  

Escaping from three packed combis arriving in Uxmal, athletic boys found frolic in riding on one another’s backs, and silken haired girls posed for selfies with elongated rock colored Iguanas, hungry black hooded vultures, vibrantly iridescent Relojes (clock birds), bright yellow striped swallows, candy red Cardinals, and squeal-inducing fruit bats eating mosquitos in the background. 

All are embraced in a CIEE excursion: tall, short, energetic, sleepy, needy, aged, helpful, strong, and timid. 

It is The Mayan Way! Tz'ikin, Freedom and Elevation! 

“Let’s Go Guys!”