Tokyo Time Travelers!

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Japanese Pop Culture: Anime & Manga

Authored By:

Bethany Fleisher

Our Tokyo Global Navigators have gotten this week off to a strong start exploring Tokyo's culture and history!

On Saturday they journeyed into the future of science and technology with a trip to the Mirai-kan National Museum of Science and Innovation. Here they played with futuristic robot puppies and talking robot assistants, delved into the science of aging, and explored how we can achieve a sustainable future.


Dressed in traditional yukata, students created their own wagashi sweets.

On Sunday they had the opportunity to get dressed in traditional yukata while exploring the historic Asakusa area. They finished the day off making traditional wagashi sweets and participating in a tea ceremony! 

Students got to enjoy their wagashi sweets while participating in a traditional tea ceremony.

On Monday they continued their historical journey by exploring the Tokiwaso manga museum. Here they got to see a house where a number of great manga artists once lived together early in their careers, and half the group was able to attend a traditional Japanese calligraphy class where they got to practice art for themselves!

Tuesday they explored the Fukagawa Edo museum, which houses a full scale replica of a traditional Edo town. Students were able to enjoy walking through the stores and houses and learning about the daily life and activities of individuals who lived during this era, and the other half of the students will be enjoying their own calligraphy class later in the evening.  

Students show off their artistic skills with their calligraphy!

It's certainly been an exciting week of travels, but these Global Navigators are ready to continue on their journey to see where Tokyo takes them next!