¿Temezcal? ¡Por supuesto!

Guanajuato, Mexico Language and Culture 2017


"When in Rome".....  In our opinion, that famous phrase should be changed to "When in Guanajuato, do as the Guanajuantenses do!"  Today, students took part in a trio of activities: a manualidad, time at the ranch and the infamous Temezcal.


Our fabulous students were invited to an indigenous tradition that looks at the participant and what s/he would like to share about the life.  Some things include what/who they are thankful for and what they are hoping to achieve in the future.  With herbs, copal and heated volcanic rock,  the temperature rises as do the memories of thankfulness.

Students ate traditional food found in the sierra here in GTO.  Nopales, frijoles, different dishes with a variety of salsas, and limonada helped our students to recoup after the Temezcal.


This is a great picture, sideways or not!


Enjoying the air after the Temezcal!

(Sorry for the sideways photos.  Horizontal all the way tomorrow!)