Tangier day trip

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Arabic Language & Moroccan Culture

Authored By:

Stephanie Humphrey

On Saturday, we took a day trip to the north of Morocco to visit the city of Tangier. When we arrived in Tangier, we had a guided tour of the Kasbah. We saw where Matisse painted while he was in Morocco and learned about the Kasbah walls, which date back to the 13th century. It was a beautiful, clear day and from the Kasbah we were able to look across to Tarifa, Spain in the distance. The water shimmered below, offering incredible views of the Strait of Gibraltar and the port of Tangier.

After lunch, we made a stop at the Cap Spartel lighthouse, which is the oldest lighthouse in Morocco. It played an important role in guiding ships through the Strait of Gibraltar. It is also on the 200 dirham bank note! Nearby, we saw the spot where the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea come together.

To close out the day, the students got a special surprise - riding camels! There was a lot of excitement and joy as students enjoyed their camel ride and a beautiful view of the water. Bucket list item - check!