Sunday is Family Day!

Programs for this blog post

Spanish Language & Culture

Authored By:

James Cain

On Sunday, Our Palma de Mallorca Language and Culture Session One students had the opportunity to spend the day with their host families. No waking up and hurrying to Plaza España to meet their friends in the program this morning. Today they had the chance to spend the morning relaxing or preparing for whatever plans their host families had planned. 

Several students had the chance to spend the day on one of Mallorca’s beautiful beaches, some visited historical sites and learned about the intricate history of this island, strategically located at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea and which once provided soldiers and pirates alike access to the treasures of both Europe and North Africa. Still others had the opportunity to learn more about Mallorquín culture by visiting local shops and markets, and purchasing ingredients they would take to their homes and use in the creation of local dishes. 

It was a day filled with fun, relaxation, and appreciation for their host families and all that Palma de Mallorca has to offer!