A summer to remember

Programs for this blog post

Leadership & Service in Public Health

Authored By:

Albert Reyes

Immersing in Spanish and Dominican Culture

Monday morning started with Spanish class at CCDA. The routine of learning and immersing ourselves in the language has become a cornerstone of our days, providing us with invaluable skills and deepening our appreciation for the local culture.

After class, we headed home to enjoy lunch with our host families. These meals are always a time for connection, sharing stories, and experiencing the warmth of Dominican hospitality.

The afternoon brought us to the topic workshop, where we delved into a fascinating discussion about the people we admire. This conversation was not just about admiration; it was about introspection and understanding ourselves better. We realized that the qualities we respect in others often mirror our values and aspirations. Together, we crafted a strategy, an action plan, a survey, and brainstormed possible solutions to apply these insights in our daily lives.

One of the most joyful moments of the day was playing traditional Dominican games with our peers. The laughter and camaraderie we shared were unforgettable. We started with “La Gallinita Ciega” or “The Blind Hen,” a delightful children's game where a blindfolded player must catch one of the participants and, in some versions, guess who it is. This game is incredibly fun and can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age.


Next, we played “El Pañuelo” or “the handkerchief game.” In this game, teams line up on opposite sides with a handkerchief placed in the middle. The “caller” randomly calls out a number, and the players assigned that number race to grab the handkerchief first. The excitement and friendly competition were palpable as we cheered for our teammates.


Our day of fun didn’t end there. We transitioned to sports, playing basketball and volleyball. These activities added an energetic and dynamic element to our day. We were so engrossed in the games that we didn’t want the day to end. The combination of exercise and fun made this one of the most special experiences we’ve had.


As we reluctantly said goodbye, we knew we’d be back soon. This day reminded us that learning, playing, and connecting with others can create some of the most memorable and fulfilling moments in life.

That’s a Wrap! 
Tuesday was the last class with the children of Cometas de Esperanza!

The class's theme was environmental awareness, encompassing group discussions to making art. Some things seen as trash can be recycled and reused, such as water bottles serving dual purposes. Students created artwork by painting designs on or in the water bottles and even gluing them together. As students design and paint water bottles, students express their creativity emphasizing how there is beauty within each’s unique individual, as well as how recycled materials can be repurposed as a way to improve the environment around them.

Students presented in English and Spanish about the environment in their community, its impact on health, to potential solutions.


Students expressed their creativity with recycled water bottles by painting different designs, demonstrating how multi-purposing recycling material can improve the environment.


A student bonding with the younger local children playing rock paper and scissors.


All students showed the water bottle artwork they created.









A Day of Fun and Learning at Acción Callejera Summer Camp

Wednesday was a day packed with excitement and learning as we joined the Acción Callejera summer camp at Ministerio Puertas de Alabanza in Las Charcas. We kicked off the day with a delicious breakfast, setting the tone for what was to come.

Despite the rain, we embraced the weather and played sports, turning the drizzle into an added element of fun. The spirit of teamwork was palpable as students rotated through different activity stations, engaging in tasks like drawing, mathematics, and more. Each station offered a unique challenge, fostering both individual growth and collaborative skills.


After a morning of activities, we enjoyed a Dominican-style buffet for lunch. The array of dishes was both amazing and tasty, giving us a true taste of local flavors.

The afternoon was a highlight as we headed to the pool for some swimming fun with Cometas De Esperanza. The joy of splashing around and playing in the water created memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.


As the day drew to a close, we left Ministerio Puertas de Alabanza and treated ourselves to some delicious Dominican ice cream at Helados Bon. The sweet treat was the perfect ending to a day filled with camaraderie, learning, and laughter.


This experience at the summer camp was truly unforgettable, blending education with play in a way that will stay with us forever.




Albert Reyes. PL

Magaly Cabrera. PL