Shanghai Square Dancin'

Today in Shanghai we bought colored contacts and learned about Chinese square dancing. People square dance for exercise in large groups and it is VERY difficult.

The teachers were very patient with us, they must have been paid well. I had a blast, but I looked like a disoriented giraffe. The program leaders helped translate the instructions and even danced and taught us! After we learned the basics of the moves, we split up into 2 teams to compete against each other.
 We danced for like 1 and a half hours and by the end everyone was slightly better than they were before. Also notice the little girl who had to watch us dance, no one knows who she is.

I liked that the way the teachers said "cha cha" also, I wasn't embarrassed by dancing with my friends because they also had to dance.

Before we started learning how to dance, a small group went to Global Harbor, we bought colored contacts. There was a buy one get one sale so I got two pairs. Lots of people got 2 pairs and just split the cost of one.

After I rushed on OFO (the local shared bike service) to the CIEE dorm, where the square dancing was taught. If you're late to anything, you have to sing a song/ dance. So I got really sweaty in this 100 degree F weather before we even started dancing.

The people on this study abroad are some of the best people I've ever met. This study abroad is a great experience and is a ton of fun. I'm sad that we only have 1 and a half weeks left. The friendships I've made on this trip are some that will last for life. GO TEAM LAX!!! 

    -Kobe Yahnson