Reflexive Essay - Karen

Programs for this blog post

K-Pop Immersion

Over the course of 3 weeks, I have learned to listen to K-Pop with a more critical ear. I've learned how to analyze K-pop lyrics, MVs and dances. We learned how to interpret lyrics separately from watching the MV to envision what the MV would depict. We also watched the MV first without sound so we could interpret the visuals. Afterwards, we'd watch the whole MV with sound and analyze that compared to the lyrics again. This method helped me get a deeper look into the music which I wouldn't have gotten if not for the program. I would have read the lyrics and watched the music video and I would analyze it but I wouldn't have gone as in-depth as to analyze the visuals separately from the music. From now on, I will analyze music and visual separately as I've realized that they both contain so much information for you to absorbed that they must be taken in separately at first to fully understand what is going on.