Reflective essay- Enoghayin

Programs for this blog post

K-Pop Immersion


Ciee Kpop Immersion

Enoghayin (이 나 니) Imasuen 



  This study abroad experience has been life changing and has opened my eyes to new concepts. Throughout these last three weeks I've been in South Korea, my life has been a rollercoaster. Never will I forget the memories or strong bonds with other people I've made here. The beautiful scenery of Korea, exposure to other types of music, and the enriching history of this program have left me in complete amazement. I'm very glad I choose this program to be a part of.

  To begin with, the scenery of Korea is really one the most beautiful things one can experience. Before this program, I obviously looked at where I would be going on google images and thought it was pretty, however- seeing these beautiful buildings and lights in real life can leave one feeling speechless and in awe. Also, in class we learned about a lot of historical places of Korea and how they lived their daily lives in these palaces. Then, we got to go out and actually see those exquisite palaces. Because I was aware of the history due to the lectures, I was able to visualize what life was like back then while we visited those palaces.

  Additionally, the type of music I've been exposed to and enjoyed during this program is really eye opening to me. In general, I don't really like traditional music anywhere in the world. So imagine my suprise, while I'm sitting in class listening to Korean traditional instruments and singing- enjoying the songs. I really enjoyed hearing the traditional instrument  taepyeongso the most. Also, we don't just listen to traditional music but are also exposed to a lot of rap, ballad, techno, indie,etc.. type of Korean songs. Through this program, I will definetly be adding songs to my playlist.

  Lastly, the history that is taught in this program is very informative and eye opening. From my western education, I never knew Korea contributed so much to the world. I knew certain aspects of Korean culture, but I didn't know the meaning or history behind it. Unlike I previously thought, Korea was indeed technologically advanced in the past and still is today. Their culture is also very resilient as well- even though they had been invaded, went through a debt crisis, and used to be one of the poorest countries in the world during the 1960s, they still rose from the ashes and were able to become an economic powerhouse in today's world. This was only possible because of the people and the culture they have. Korean history is very fun to learn about.

  In conclusion, this trip has been very informative and fun. From the scenery of Korea and the discovery of new types of music, to the learning about the intrcately woven history Korea has- I leave this program as a new person. To anyone wondering if they should study abroad, do it. Trust me, you won't regret it.