¡Qué viva el guacamole!

Today students took part in a Guacamole contest.  This may sound easy, but this activity was created to make students aware of our local market, prices and how to get the correct ingredients for a recipe.  Also, each group was given the task to include a secret ingredient.

A little recreation before the contest
Students were given a short guac tutorial, then given pesos to use at the local mercado.  The students looked for the best ingredients and the tastiest secret ingredient.

As students began to create their dish, some used certain tools or ingredients for the first time.

Our three judges, Ernesto, Eva and Isidro, surveyed each group and our course, taste-tested the delicious product.


It was hard to choose.  Take a look at the guacs below.  Can you guess the secret ingredients?

And the winners are......

Congrats to all of our wonderful students, you are all winners in the game of guac!  But Rees, Muaricemaria, Astrid and Rebecca had the best recipe.