Pétanque: Known by Some, Enjoyed by All

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French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Georgianna Horton

I'll take engrossing boule games for $200...

 For a majority of the students who played pétanque today, it parallels their journey here as something completely new and unfamiliar. Pétanque is a boule-type game with the objective of tossing a metal ball toward a target ball while trying to knock the opponent's balls away--it was described by one student as a mixture of corn hole and bowling. It's quite popular here in the Occitanian region of France, and after playing a couple rounds, it's very evident why! The knowledgable instructors commenced our session by providing warm-up activities and demonstrating correct forms, and the students were experts in no time! In teams of two, the competition was fierce and we saw loads of athleticism amongst the participants. The game was new and foreign, much like their experience here in Toulouse, but everyone put their best foot forward and gave pétanque a whirl. 

 The students today were able to immerse themselves in a part of Toulousain culture; the ability to play a game with cultural significance not only adds to the worldliness of these global travelers, but it creates the opportunity to really put themselves into the locals' shoes and live like the French. Our take away from the experience includes: the discovery of a strategically challenging game, an appreciation of shade on a hot day, many bountiful discussions with colorful locals, and the list continues. Overall, we were able to spend the afternoon trying something new and from the eyes of an onlooker, it seems that the participants grew closer while enjoying a piece of the puzzle that is Toulouse.