Participant Takeover: Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
One of our high school participants, Sari Gilbert, wrote about her experience coming to the Dominican Republic for the Youth Development program.
“Stepping out of your comfort zone can be extremely difficult, and I speak from experience. I’m not the kind of person who likes big changes, new routines, and being far from the people I love. It’s hard having to adapt to a new lifestyle, new people, and hard work. But it’s something you won’t regret. I’m forever thankful for stepping out of my comfort zone and flying to a new country without knowing anybody. It has showed me a side of myself I didn’t know existed. I made lifelong friends after just the first day and felt more like myself than I have before, even back home. After a day of sweating and running around it’s all worth it to see the smile on the kids faces, knowing you’re making a difference. Coming back to a home cooked meal from your homestay mom, and sometimes even little treats, ends the day on such a good note. I encourage everyone to take a step out of their comfort zone because you might find that it’s an unforgettable experience”.
Sari Gilbert is a rising junior from Austin, Texas.