Oui Chef! Chouquettes Coming Up!

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French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Joseph McFadden



Upon watching Top Chef, Anthony Bourdain, the Bear or even Jacques Pépin who hasn’t dreamed of being a chef with French training? Of course it’s classic and lesser known pastries that keep us coming back to brave pâtisserie lines or marvel at innovations such as the social media sensation Cédric Grolet. At the French cooking space Chefsquare, students are offered just that!


Upon entering they met their passionate chefs and were immediately instructed to file down into the old wine cellar, repurposed as a wardrobe & lounge, to depose their belongings and wash. In fact, they are treated like new hires in a French kitchen but with patience and encouragement with short French quips « C’est bon! » « Wo! Tu es un naturel » « Juste comme ça! » and more.


They put on their gray aprons and immediately are divided into groups and then delegated with specific tasks. Today we are making chouquettes, or choux for short. Imagine our uncouth donut hole in gourmet French glory with an egg wash, pearled sugar, fresh vanilla chantilly, ganache filling and even a violet! 


Students are riveted by the tactile nature of the workshop. The vocabulary alone is rich, poetic and increasing the appetite. They’re busy « mélanger » the mixture of flour, water, salt, yeast and butter. They then « fouetter » the eggs. Then they are « badigeonner » with the fresh whipped cream or « chantilly »



Once fully prepared and plated the last astonishing moment of completion is a container of fresh violets as a garnish. The studies are besides themselves as they place them with precision nestled into the cream. They are a sight to behold. Some students are so satisfied with their chefly duties and first « a day on the job » that they almost forget to sample their « amuse-bouches. » Now the easiest fun part begins as they become critics as well, noting differences in size, texture, salinity, sweetness and more. All can be summed up in one student’s words, « Miam! » Yes chef.