Orientation Day et Les Deux Magots!
Orientation Day was made all the sweeter for knowing we had a famous lunch outing in the middle! Students were able to meet their instructors for their oral placement tests to make sure they are getting the most out of the next month.
Déjeuner aux Deux Magots! This famous café, named for its two statues that represent Chinese mandarins or alchemists, has reputation as the rendezvous of the literary and intellectual élite. If these walls could talk! From artist to writers: Elsa Triolet, Louis Aragon, André Gide, Jean Giraudoux, Picasso, Fernand Léger, Prévert, Hemingway & Julia Child, Surrealists: André Breton, Henri Michaux, and Existentialists around Sartre and Beauvoir. Special treat, we saw some behind the scenes magic:
After wrapping up for the day, we took a tour of our school's neighborhood and found where students can choose to eat lunch and the closest metro stops. Any day in Paris is a good day!
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