Madrid Moments!
¡Hola desde Madrid! Things are warming up here in this sunny city, both in the literal and figurative senses. Our group is gaining confidence and language abilitities as they use their Spanish skills to complete all sorts of daily tasks. What an impressive team we have! As a Spanish teacher, it is a dream to watch students navigate their way around the city, interact with locals, find their favorite hangouts, and support each other in a new and exciting place. Today I asked them the following question:
What has been your favorite moment studying abroad so far?
Here are their responses.
... when I went to the center of Madrid for the first time and saw all the old and tall buildings and also was able to speak so much Spanish with locals there. -Jaden
Gina, Serena, Madeline, and Jaden learn about a game in Spanish at Retiro Park
I think my favorite moments here in Madrid have been those that I spent with my host family, like Saturday when we went to a celebration with my host father´s relatives, and today in Retiro Park with my friends... when I met Ginwan, another student in the Language and Culture program... -Whitney
...the first time we had ´free time´. I loved exploring the area with my new friends. -Matthew

Lily and Matthew interviewing a kiosk owner about customer purchases
My favorite moment of studying abroad so far is being able to explore a new city and talk and understand the people in the native language! -Nathan
Nathan and Bryan learning a new card game in El Retiro
My favorite moment studying abroad so far was spending time with my host mom Raquel exploring the city and learning about the rich culture and history that exists throughout the buildings and within the architecture and artistic displays. I love being able to get to know a new family and truly learn more outside of the classroom in a way that is both interesting and educational as it allows me to truly hone in on my Spanish abilities. -Serena
My favorite part of Spain last week has been exploring the city and finding interesting stores and restaurants. -Tess
My favorite moment studying abroad so far is when I went to a basilica with my host family. The basilica was inside of a cave, and it was so impressive to see the paintings. The view was beautiful as well. -Madeline
Students in the Archaeology Museum observing a 500,000 year-old skeleton
My favorite moment studying abroad so far is exploring an entirely different place, adapting to a new environment, and doing all this while making new friends. I´ve really enjoyed talking to new people, getting to know them, and sharing these fun experiences with them. -Bryan

Bryan visiting the castle at Manzanares el Real

Jeff, Uriel, and Bryan on a ride at the Theme Park
Whitney and Gina playing a round of pañuelo at Retiro Park
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