Lights...Camera...Action! Learning the Basics to Study at Seoul Broadcasting High School

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K-Pop Immersion

Authored By:

Brittany Brown

Welcome to the tour of Seoul Broadcasting School! The students were excited to learn they were touring the school known for the school many idols, such as Min-gyu and Dino from the famous K-pop group SEVENTEEN. When they arrived, they learned what students in South Korea do, such as taking off their shoes before entering certain rooms and enjoying a typical lunch in the cafeteria. Be prepared because there is a lot of walking up and down the stairs in the six-floor building. This particular high school also adds different classes related to media content, broadcasting video, broadcasting systems, and broadcasting entertainment. The students got a chance to see classrooms related to these subjects, such as recording studios and photoshoot rooms. The students enjoyed learning how the students spend their day during the school year.

After learning about South Korean student's day-to-day lives in high school, they got a chance to meet some students in person! They performed a play titled "Grandpapa" for everyone. Although it was in Korean, they thought of our students by providing the translated script on the side so they were able to follow along with no problems. Then they performed a dance from the musical "Grease" called "We Go Together." A wonderful way to meet new friends welcoming them with a song of friendship. After they finished, to our student's surprise, they offered to teach everyone the dance and perform it together.

Before splitting into groups to learn the dance, we had icebreakers to get to know one another better. Students found many similarities, such as food preferences, favorite animals, seasons, and overall being shy about meeting new people. The Korean students prepared snacks from Korea and made small notes welcoming everyone to South Korea. A very sweet gesture to get to know new friends. Our students then passed out snacks that were also unavailable in Korea. After many thanks and introductions, they left to eat lunch together to have enough energy for their final activity: the "We Go Together" dance performance! 

The time had come! After practicing for about an hour in separate groups mixed with students from CIEE and the Korean high school, they performed with one another. Such a talented group of students working together to jump over cultural and language barriers. After working hard together, they formed a circle and talked about their experience. After having a touching moment, they began dancing to various K-pop songs together before saying goodbye. Many students spoke of hoping to reconnect with the students someday as they walked back to the bus. Whether they were inspired by the resources found in the broadcasting school, or delighted to meet new students in another country, this experience is something that they won't ever forget!