Le Mont Saint-Michel: History, Architecture, and Quicksand!

Programs for this blog post

Honors French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Emma Butler

On Saturday, Global Navigators traveled to Le Mont Saint-Michel to explore the abbey and village. Students toured the abbey and learned about monastic life over the centuries, pilgrimages, and the medieval architecture. 

Photo for blog post Le Mont Saint-Michel: History, Architecture, and Quicksand!

Photo for blog post Le Mont Saint-Michel: History, Architecture, and Quicksand!

After touring the abbey and village, students took a balade around the bay. While walking, our guide explained the myths and history of Mont Saint-Michel, the dangerous tides, and quicksand! Contrary to popular belief, quicksand itself is not deadly. People can get stuck up to their waist or break a bone, but will not be swallowed by quicksand. The guide demonstrated how to escape quicksand and students freed themselves by twisting their legs and using their knees to help stabilize themselves. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience experience that they will never forget! 

Photo for blog post Le Mont Saint-Michel: History, Architecture, and Quicksand!

Photo for blog post Le Mont Saint-Michel: History, Architecture, and Quicksand!