The last Alicante weekend

¡Hola a todos!

As we are coming into our last week in Alicante, the students have really been making the most of their time here! During the last weekend, the students spent special time with their host families. Some even ventured to the beach, on camping trips, on hikes, etc.

A few of the families went together on a camping trip. Here is a selfie of all of the students together in what they told me was one of their first times sleeping in a tent.

“The camping trip was so cool. It was one of my first times sleeping in a tent. My host family even showed us fruits that we could eat from the bushes and we danced all night to Spanish music. ¡Fue muy divertido!” - Eli

Another family went on a hike in Calpe, a nearby town and captured some incredible views!



“It was an adventure getting up there, but the view was an incredible reward.” - Jessica and Allyson

Some other families took advantage of the time to relax at the beach.

“Both of our host dads are brothers so it was cool to have the families connect and spend the day together.” - Gabriella and Zach

Yesterday’s “Into the Community” activity stuck with the theme of helping students get as much as they can out of our last week. Students spoke with locals about their favorite things in Alicante and asked them for advice and recommendations about things they should see or do before they leave.

Here are some photos of the students’ conversations with Alicante locals:




Even though we are already into the last week, there is still lots more to see, learn and do! Stay tuned!

¡Hasta pronto!
