Landing in Tokyo and Exploring!
The majority of our students began a very long travel day that started on Friday in their homes and ended on Sunday in Tokyo! Students traveling on the group flights from LAX, JFK, and SFO had the opportunity to meet other students and spend time getting to know each other before boarding their flights. Once we landed, students were given a chance to exhange currency and get their first Japanese vending machine experience! Once all of our anime and manga students were together, we boarded a bus and headed to our accomondations! Students were given the first day to settle in, freshen up, and explore the surrounding area. Many students found their way to the 7/11 across the street and back for a nap.
On the first official day, students came together as a group for orientation. They were given an overview of the program and the opporuntunity to get to know each other and their program leaders. After orientation, student had some time to grab lunch and wait out the Tokyo heat before we headed on a scavenger hunt of the area around our accomodation. Students split into their smaller groups and with their program leaders were sent to find 8 different land marks! Students were able to try their hand navigating around Tokyo and working as a team.
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