The Ineffable Experience: London Reflection
Two cats are currently sandwiching me, and this is definitely one of the things I missed most while abroad: My cats, my family, and peanut butter. Now, I have been back in the US of A for a good month. Regardless of being home, it hasn’t stopped me of thinking about this life-changing experience I had in London.
I have thought about this program every day since I returned. I mean, it would be really hard for me not to think about it every day; I’ve stayed in close contact with my London family since splitting up at Heathrow. Since then, we’ve talked about news of our favorite musicals, discussed the possibility of pigeon spies, crowns, getting famous on Tik Tok, and places where we can get British snacks.
I miss them dearly, but I’m so grateful that it’s easy to continue talking with these lovely people. When I got home, I saw that a received a cute note card from Aurora with an aloe plant saying, “Aloe there.” That brightened up my day.
This program has had such an impact on me. I would describe the whole trip as ineffable. There are truly no words to explain how good it was. Now, having time to reflect, I know that I’ve grown as a person. Grown in compassion, my interests, self-identity, and confidence. It’s amazing.
I do believe that this experience has influenced me on what I choose to do in college or as a career. I may not necessarily work in theatre, but further studying it sounds great. Regardless, this experience primarily showed me that I could have a career in the humanities. After meeting these successful people who work in theatre, it has been inspiring. Only the future can tell whatever I chose because right now I’m focussing on finishing my high school career-still, we shall see.
If you have not studied abroad and you’ve happened to click on my blog post, I strongly encourage you to study aboard whether it be for less than a month or a whole semester. There’s something magical about going to another country you haven’t been to and learning something that you’re interested in. Ineffable, I would describe it again.
Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey. It has been magnificent to be able to share my experiences. I know I probably sound like a broken record at home because I talk about my time at Theatre Arts Behind the Scenes so much. This summer has been so special because of it.
(Here's a playlist of my summer vlogs, if interested.)
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