Growing memories in the Garden.

Programs for this blog post

French Language & Culture

Authored By:

Emely Arcos

It was a sunny and warm day as students visited Atelier Jardins Partagés. We were greeted by the welcoming staff and quickly given water and a cooling area before the work began. The group Language & Culture was split into two groups to help balance out the work load. The first group was able to complete a Garden Tour, where they tasted many ready to eat fruits and vegetables. Some of the variety included, raspberries, mint, rosemary, edible flowers, and green beans. It was important for students to understand that the gardeners had created a specific layout of the garden for all fruits and vegetables to benefit from their neighbors. Many of our students have gardening experience and were more than eager to roll up their sleeves and get to work. 

Moving on to the next station, students were in charge of planting cucumber seedlings in small pots. Students were focused on which type the seedling they planted since there was two different versions. We were having a warm day during our visit and students were graciously completing this work under a large area of shade. It was wonderful seeing all students working together and enjoying the garden. Students discovered that every Wednesday the garden has a small farmer's market to sell their fresh produce. 

Before leaving, students thanked the staff for allowing them to explore the variety of produce and help plant new produce. Many students informed me that they were tired from the work, but that it was all worth it.