Fun in the Park

Programs for this blog post

Inside World Governance

Authored By:

T.J. Slancauskas

To end the first week of classes today, students traveled to the Amsterdamse Bos (Amsterdam Forest). It was a day filled with fun, games, and teambuilding. While in the Amsterdamse Bos, students found themselves engaged in various forms of play, leisure, and relaxation. While some students played badminton and cards, others found themselves playing soccer and frisbee. However, the highlight activity of the day was getting to ride bikes – some students even learned how to ride a bike today for the first time!

In addition to all the fun and games students had today, they had the opportunity to meet-up and interact with students in CIEE’s Smart Cities and Sustainability Program. To help introduce the two programs to one another, students engaged in several icebreakers led by Program Leaders from both programs. One icebreaker included having students place themselves in sequential order based on their birthdays; however, they had to complete the activity without talking to one another. And guess what….not only were they successful in completing their task, but we had a birthday today, and of course, we had to sing “Happy Birthday.”

Overall, the students’ adventure to the Amsterdamse Bos was a great way to end the first week of classes. One week down, two to go!