Farewell Dinner

Programs for this blog post

Mediterranean Marine Ecosystems & Sustainability (En Español)

Authored By:

Bethany Hansen

Last night was a bittersweet evening as the teenage students of the Global Navigators program gathered for a farewell dinner, marking the end of their incredible journey. The event was held at a charming local restaurant, with tables beautifully set and the room filled with the warm hum of chatter and laughter. As students and their host families filed in, there were smiles and hugs all around, a testament to the strong bonds formed over the past few weeks. The air was tinged with nostalgia, but also with excitement as everyone prepared to celebrate their unforgettable experiences together.

One of the highlights of the night was an entertaining slide show that captured the essence of the trip. Projected onto a large screen, it was a delightful montage of photos and videos that had everyone laughing and reminiscing. From awkward first-day introductions to snorkeling and scenic hikes, the slide show was a whirlwind tour of their shared adventures. As each new slide appeared, students pointed out their favorite memories, their faces lighting up with joy and a touch of wistfulness. It was a wonderful way to relive the moments that had made this journey so special.

The evening took a fun turn with the presentation of superlative awards, which added a touch of playful competition to the night. Categories ranged from "Most Likely to Try Anything New With a Smile" to "Best Sandwich Maker," and the awards were handed out amid cheers and laughter. One student, who had earned the title of "Biggest Fish Whisperer and Most Likely to Fish" for his constant quest for the best fishing spot, received his award amidst students recounting the time he brought his fishing rod to a cove and proudly displayed the fish he caught to all his friends. Each award was a humorous nod to the unique personalities and memorable antics of the group, making everyone feel appreciated and celebrated.

As the night drew to a close, there were heartfelt speeches from staff members. Tears were shed, and promises were made to stay in touch, as everyone expressed their gratitude for the incredible journey they had shared. The farewell dinner was a perfect blend of laughter, reflection, and heartfelt goodbyes, a fitting end to a program that had brought so much joy and growth. As they hugged each other one last time and exchanged contact details, the students of the Global Navigators program left the dinner with hearts full of cherished memories and a newfound appreciation for the world and the people in it.